Uwielbiam ten czas, kiedy pod koniec grudnia zasiadam przed komputerem aby przygotować dla Was podsumowanie ostatnich dwunastu miesięcy i uświadomić sobie jak wiele się wydarzyło. 2017 rok jest jednym z najbardziej przełomowych w moim życiu... To właśnie w nim, z dumą i radością mogę przyznać, że moja internetowa działalność przestała być dla mnie wyłącznie dodatkowym hobby... Spełniło się moje wielkie marzenie: największa pasja stała się jednocześnie moją pracą na cały etat! Ostatnie pół roku było niezwykle intensywne - postawiłam duży nacisk na poszerzenie wiedzy w dziedzinach, które wzorowa blogerka i influencerka powinna mieć w małym paluszku :) Zaczęłam bardziej świadomie podchodzić do fotografii, postprodukcji zdjęć i materiałów video, dowiedziałam się więcej na temat marketingu, rozwijania kanałów społecznościowych, czy choćby tworzenia własnych produktów. Postawiłam sobie ambitne cele... i zrealizowałam je, udowadniając sobie i innym, że wszystko leży w zasięgu ręki :) Przez ten czas starałam się również w jak największym stopniu poznać moich czytelników oraz ich oczekiwania - aby bez przerwy zaskakiwać coraz ciekawszymi publikacjami i zachęcić do jeszcze większego zaangażowania.
Wszystkie Wasze słowa wsparcia - bez względu, czy były to krótkie komentarze, czy długie na kilka stron maile, dały mi wiele mocy i wiary w to, że to co robię ma sens. Dziękuję za to, że jesteście!
Pora na podsumowanie :)
Ważne wydarzenia w 2017:
- zmiana domeny na ari-maj (ktoś jeszcze pamięta "helpihavenothingtowear"?)
- wydanie pierwszego produktu: ekskluzywnego kalendarza z artystycznymi zmysłowymi zdjęciami (jest nadal dostępny w sprzedaży)
- więcej podróży, w tym kilka zagranicznych (Barcelona, Paryż, Wiedeń)
W liczbach...
W ciągu ostatniego roku:
W ciągu ostatniego roku:
- wg Google Analytics bloga odwiedziło prawie 400 tysięcy użytkowników
- wygenerowaliście prawie 7 milionów odsłon
- spędziliście tu łącznie 35 tysiące godzin czyli cztery lata!
- opublikowałam ponad 130 postów
- zdobyłam 120 tysięcy nowych fanów na Instagramie, osiągając łącznie 235 tysięcy obserwujących
- opublikowałam prawie 800 postów, które zdobyły 6 milionów polubień
Najpopularniejsze zdjęcia na Instagramie, wg ilości polubień:
(Nogi, nogi, nogi :)

The most popular pictures on Instagram, based on the number of likes
(Legs, legs, legs :)
(Legs, legs, legs :)
English version:
I love this time of the year when, at the end of December, I have the chance to sit in front of my computer and reflect on the past 12 months - and to consider just how much has happened in that time. Without doubt, 2017 has been arguably the most crucial breakthrough year of my life, and I am both proud and happy to admit that it has been a year when my online activity stopped being simply a hobby for me... instead, my long-held dream has come true: my greatest passion has also become my full-time job! The last six months was particularly intense as I put a lot of emphasis on expanding my knowledge base to learn key things that a professional blogger and influencer really must have at their fingertips :) I also began to learn much more about photography and the post-production elements of pictures and videos. And I also immersed myself in the world of marketing, developing social media, and even creating my own products. I set myself ambitious goals - and realised them, proving to myself and others that anything is possible! :) During this time, I also tried to get to know you, my readers, better and understand your expectations wherever possible - to constantly strive to surprise you with more interesting publications and to encourage your ever-greater involvement.
All of your words of support - regardless of whether they were short comments or very long e-mails - gave me a huge boost and reaffirmed my faith that what I was doing made sense. Thank you for being here with me!
Time for a summary...
Important events in 2017:
- Domain name change to ari-maj (anyone remember "helpihavenothingtowear"?)
- Making my first product: the exclusive calendar featuring artistic and sensual pictures (the calendar is still available to buy)
- More travels (Barcelona, Paris, Vienna...)
In numbers...
In the last year:
- The blog was visited by almost 400,000 users (source: Google Analytics)
- You have generated almost 7 million views
- You spent a total of 35,000 hours (four years) here!
- I have published more than 130 posts
- I have gained 120,000 new fans on Instagram, making a total of 235,000 followers
- I have published almost 800 posts that have received 6 million likes
Najlepsze stylizacje na blogu
(według miesięcy):
The best outfits on my blog
(by month):
I love this time of the year when, at the end of December, I have the chance to sit in front of my computer and reflect on the past 12 months - and to consider just how much has happened in that time. Without doubt, 2017 has been arguably the most crucial breakthrough year of my life, and I am both proud and happy to admit that it has been a year when my online activity stopped being simply a hobby for me... instead, my long-held dream has come true: my greatest passion has also become my full-time job! The last six months was particularly intense as I put a lot of emphasis on expanding my knowledge base to learn key things that a professional blogger and influencer really must have at their fingertips :) I also began to learn much more about photography and the post-production elements of pictures and videos. And I also immersed myself in the world of marketing, developing social media, and even creating my own products. I set myself ambitious goals - and realised them, proving to myself and others that anything is possible! :) During this time, I also tried to get to know you, my readers, better and understand your expectations wherever possible - to constantly strive to surprise you with more interesting publications and to encourage your ever-greater involvement.
All of your words of support - regardless of whether they were short comments or very long e-mails - gave me a huge boost and reaffirmed my faith that what I was doing made sense. Thank you for being here with me!
Time for a summary...
Important events in 2017:
- Domain name change to ari-maj (anyone remember "helpihavenothingtowear"?)
- Making my first product: the exclusive calendar featuring artistic and sensual pictures (the calendar is still available to buy)
- More travels (Barcelona, Paris, Vienna...)
In numbers...
In the last year:
- The blog was visited by almost 400,000 users (source: Google Analytics)
- You have generated almost 7 million views
- You spent a total of 35,000 hours (four years) here!
- I have published more than 130 posts
- I have gained 120,000 new fans on Instagram, making a total of 235,000 followers
- I have published almost 800 posts that have received 6 million likes
Najlepsze stylizacje na blogu
(według miesięcy):
The best outfits on my blog
(by month):
Styczeń / January
1, 2
3, 4
Luty / February
1, 2,
3, 4
Marzec / March
1, 2,
3, 4
Kwiecień / April
1, 2,
3, 4
Maj / May
1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6
Czerwiec / June
1, 2,
3, 4
Lipiec / July
1, 2,
3, 4,
Sierpień / August
1, 2,
3, 4
Wrzesień / September
1, 2,
3, 4
Październik / October
1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6
Listopad / November
1, 2,
3, 4
Grudzień / December
1, 2,
3, 4
Który zestaw przypadł Wam najbardziej do gustu? Czym powinnam zaskoczyć Was w 2018 roku? Podzielcie się swoimi pomysłami, nawet jeśli na co dzień nie zostawiacie tu komentarzy :)
- - -
Which set did you like the most? What would be your idea of a surprise set in 2018? Make sure you share your ideas, even if you don’t normally leave any comments here! :)
1, 2
Luty / February
1, 2,
3, 4
Marzec / March
1, 2,
3, 4
Kwiecień / April
1, 2,
3, 4
Maj / May
1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6
Czerwiec / June
1, 2,
3, 4
Lipiec / July
1, 2,
3, 4,
Sierpień / August
1, 2,
3, 4
Wrzesień / September
1, 2,
3, 4
Październik / October
1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6
Listopad / November
1, 2,
3, 4
Grudzień / December
1, 2,
3, 4
Który zestaw przypadł Wam najbardziej do gustu? Czym powinnam zaskoczyć Was w 2018 roku? Podzielcie się swoimi pomysłami, nawet jeśli na co dzień nie zostawiacie tu komentarzy :)
- - -
Which set did you like the most? What would be your idea of a surprise set in 2018? Make sure you share your ideas, even if you don’t normally leave any comments here! :)
Simply stunning! You must be thoroughly proud of your wonderful achievements. Your photography is grand, and you are an enchantingly beautiful girl. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in sharing your world with me and all of your admirers. I'm looking forward most eagerly to what is in store for 2018!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite set is no2 of January, the dark green dress. Not because it's a statement outfit shouts out here am I look at me. More because it's an understatement that enhances the personality by not being an attention seeker.
ReplyDeleteEnough pretentious talk, you look great in it and I like that colour :)
Cieszę się że udało ci zrealizować swoje plany☺
ReplyDeleteCo do tych polubień na Instagramie-wcale się nie dziwię, ponieważ masz naprawdę piękne, długie i zgrabne nogi💞
Jak dla mnie wszystkie stylizacje są przepiękne 😍
Najbardziej jednak mi się podobają 3 z listopada,3 z października,4 z marca i 4 z grudnia😍💞
Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 😘🎉🎊🎆
Świetne podsumowanie! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations my dear!
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll have a wonderful 2018!!!
Don't miss my latest post, now on my blog! Kisses from Italy,
Eniwhere Fashion
Discover here my latest outfit
Of all this summary I liked May and March, but in general I think that you are a very attractive woman I love your style and your beauty. For this new year I hope all the best of you that you achieve a lot of success I think you are a very dedicated young lady congratulations you are very chic
ReplyDeleteI learned my first word in Polish: "(Nogi, nogi, nogi :)" 🤣💙
ReplyDelete"Which set did you like the most?"
A really hard choice... December 3 and 4 or September 1,2,3,4... no all October! Or February 1 and 3... 🤔 OMG, I can't choose 😱
But I can make a Top 12 of your calendar's pictures 🤣
"What would be your idea of a surprise set in 2018?"
Mmmmh, am I addicted yo you ?
#nogiteam #ariteam 😇🌹😁
Oooops... I lost a sentence 😆
"What would be your idea of a surprise set in 2018?"
A set of pictures with "Angel Wings" (black or/and white)🕊😇
otherwise, do what you like and if you want less (Nogi, nogi, nogi :) do not hesitate to highlight more often all your other feminine assets... 😘
Last little thing:
Why not make playlists to more effectively share your musical tastes? We can make shared playlists on Youtube or other streaming platforms (which still have a much better sound quality than Youtube) and there are free sharing playlist tools, integration in blog that can be listened to on the platform of his choice (as playlists.net, song.link, soundsgood.co).
Personally, I use soundsgood to synchronize my playlists from Premium Spotify to Deezer and Youtube.
Can we have one exclusive and sensual pic as a christmas/new years gift nkt everyone can afford the calendar.
ReplyDeleteWspaniałe podsumowanie roku 2017 na twoim blogu. We wszystkich zaprezentowanych na zdjęciach stylizacjach wyglądasz pięknie, kobieco, elegancko a nawet seksownie. Ze stylizacji zaprezentowanych na zdjęciach najbardziej podobają mi się: styczeń (1,3,4); luty (2,3,4); marzec (1,3,4); kwiecień (1,2); maj (1,2,3,5); czerwiec (1,2); lipiec (1,2,4); sierpień (wszystkie); wrzesień (1,3,4); październik (wszystkie); listopad (wszystkie); grudzień (2,3,4) :-)
ReplyDeletezdecydowanie kobiece sety królują :)
♥ Blog dla kobiet daria-porcelain.pl ♥
Happy new year Ari. It's very hard to choose a favorite among the many great looking outfits, simply because you look fantastic in anything and everything. But forced to choose, I think I will go for the very last photo, December 4. You look stunning in that red outfit with the black tights and high heels. I feel this is the kind of outfit that suits you the most, and it's a fairytale look that is both classy, elegant, sexy, sensual, catchy, timeless and probably much more. Looking very much forward to follow your new posts in 2018. /jkpppistgr
ReplyDeleteWszystkie sa super ;) a w 2018 dużo pończoch niz rajstopek by się przydało ;);* A
ReplyDeleteWyglądałaś cudownie chyba przez cały rok ;D ;)
ReplyDeleteLooking amazing in each and everyone of them! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year and all the best for 2018! :)
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
It's crazy that there is any photoshoot from your instagram here. There were also some good pictures, that i'm pretty sure were also here
ReplyDeletePiękne stylizacje:) masz super styl:)
ReplyDeleteTop 3 miesięcy moim zdaniem: 1. maj (ciekawy zbieg okoliczności :) 2. listopad 3. grudzień Zrobiłaś w 2017 gigantyczny skok, jeśli chodzi o artystyczny sznyt i seksapil sesji, rozwinęłaś się też na pewno jako fotografka, ale nie jestem specjalista, więc trudno mi stwierdzić, o ile (czy to się zresztą da w ogóle policzyć? przecież to sztuka). Dziękuję też za wszystkie teksty stymulujące uczucia i mózgownicę. Jestem pewny, że w 2018 też nie zawiedziesz.
ReplyDeleteI just have to say...I have seen and received many calendars over the years. However, this one is by far the best one I have ever seen. It is the perfect balance of sensual, erotic, and tasteful that I have ever seen. It really is the end all be all of calendars. You are so incredibly beautiful and the poses are se well thought out, that I can't imagine a more beautiful layout. Ariadna, you are truly a godsend and your talents are utterly amazing. I hope you continue to hone your craft and that you find all the professional success you desire. You are amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhat's crazy is that I came here because you're sexy -but I am commenting because I used to know TWO women who live in Poznan!!! Unfortunately, I've lost contact with both of them.
ReplyDeleteWell, what a year you've had, Ariadna! I don't know whether or not at this time last year you could have imagined the impact you would have made on social media, but I'm not remotely surprised. I've been fortunate to have known you a little while now and it was clear from day one that you are a passionate, driven, forward-thinking woman. You're a grafter, you watch and learn from others, you're not afraid to try new things, and you're dedicated. I've always said that you will never fail at anything in your whole life through lack of effort. I very much stand by that. That said, I have to admit that I was a little sceptical when the idea of producing a calendar cropped up. I needn't have worried. The work you put into that (and still do) is nothing short of monumental and it's been an amazing achievement. I won't ever have the slightest doubt over any of your business ventures again, Ariadna! :o) Your hard work and belief is paying off royally now and your rise has been exceptional. I expect 2018 to be more of the same, only with an even more phenomenal rise. You will make sure of that. I know that there's nothing you can't achieve when you put your inquiring and clever mind to it - and I wouldn't have it any other way. Congratulations, Ariadna!:o)
ReplyDeleteHello Ariadna,
ReplyDeleteToday I have again looked at your best photos from 2017 and wanted to call you my favorites.
For January picture 1, however, I like your red skirt on picture 3 very much. For February the 4th of March the 2, but also the 3rd for April the 4th of May the 1, but also the 3rd for June the 2, is so pretty cheeky. For July the 2nd of August the 4th I like the braid. September the 2nd of October the 3rd 4th of November the 4th However, this was the month with the greatest difficulty. There are actually all very beautiful. December the 2.
My best picture is the 2 from march.
The task was not easy overall. You remember that you could not choose a favorite for your calendar.
I have ideas for 2018. But I need some time.
Lovely wishes