Kolejna domowa sesja i kolejna dawka muzyki. Grudniowy klimat sprzyja wylegiwaniu się na łóżku - a już zwłaszcza w towarzystwie miłych dla ucha kawałków ;) Proste, kobiece zestawy to coś co lubię najbardziej. Ostatnio coraz chętniej wybieram bluzki z dekoltami - tę zamówiłam na Zaful.com.
English version:
The next photo session in my room - and the next dose of good music. Lately it's a season for spending time in bed - especially in the company of pleasant songs ;) Simple, feminine outfits - this is something I like the most. Recently, I more often choose blouses with deep necklines - this one I bought at Zaful.com.

Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love, Van Halen
Slave To Love, Bryan Ferry
Kiss Me, Sixpence None The Richer
Town Of Strangers, BOKKA
Rise, Herb Alpert
Oh Sheit It's X, Thundercat
Love To Love You Baby, Donna Summer
Kocham Być z Tobą, The Dumplings
Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?, Rod Steward
Never Gonna Give You Up, Barry White
Time of my Life, Patrick Swayze
Flowers, Raye
Beżowa bluzka z dekoltem - Zaful.com
Czarna krótka spódniczka - Choies.com
Czarne rajstopy - Gabriella
Czarny elegancki zegarek - Paul-Hewitt.com
As anyone who regularly follows your blog knows, I am a huge fan of both you and your blog, Ariadna. This entry gave me a huge dilemma about whether to comment or not, but if nothing else I pride myself on being honest, no matter what opinion I give. So, in short, I don't like it. You look beautiful as always, Ariadna, your skirt and top are very seductive and revealing, and your long legs look good in black nylon. I imagine this post (and the accompanying image which plugs the blog on Instagram) will do very, very well, with anonymous men in particular. And therein lies the problem, this blog entry is far too sexualised for me, it's merely nylon tease and titillation with more and more of your breasts on show and a whole lot of nyloned leg similarly taking centre stage. Personally, I think this fits perfectly with your current trend on Instagram which is bringing you new followers and adoration of all types (dubious or otherwise) at a phenomenal rate and is bringing you instant results and gratification, as the fickle Internet is prone to do, but I'm not sure that it fits in with what has gone before on this charming blog which shines out with the class, elegance and style of our intelligent blogger. This, for me, is a step too far with the focus increasingly on your bed, your breasts in your push-up bra (I don't see what's wrong with your natural shape!) and your nyloned legs. I really fear where this is going and I really hope you don't go there. But there appears to be an air of inevitability about all this, which would be a great shame as you are so much better than a cheap nylon tease in a push-up bra like so many thousands of others on the Internet. You're a lot, lot better than that, Ariadna. Infinitely better than that in fact, not least because you are a very intelligent, interesting and charming woman.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with You David ! Ariadna is beautiful as always but as a matter of fact, she is way too provacative here . It may look like she is gaining all the interest drawn to her breasts and to be honest all I saw was that, while the music should be the main theme of the post.And her of course , but not in this version. There is nothing bad about showing your legs and body when you are such a pretty woman, but Ariadna don't provoke so much ! We are your fans and readers but there are many , not necessarily decent men who might hurt you one day if you don't be careful ! Take care , Layla.
DeleteI have been your fan for a long time. I spent hours admiring your clothes and your tastes in them. Your earlier outfits were so romantic, feminine – I would steal of them for myself. You were a fresh breath of air in the Internet full of almost naked young girls flashing their bare bellies, breasts and other body parts. However, your recent outfits make me uneasy. Your skirts and dresses are way too short even for your lovely legs, and your blouses reveal more that they cover.
DeleteIn my humble opinion a beautiful young girl like you doesn’t have to strip to look sexy. Unless you look for the attention and comments of some unhealthy breathing and sweaty men who get nasty ideas when they look at your photos. Don’t follow that road. Be your ‘old’ Ariadna – the one that I liked so much. And I can see from the comments many people here miss.
A lovely collection of photos and musical selections, though I have to admit I'm only familiar with several of your songs. You look delightful in your blouse, very provocative and very feminine. Of course, your black skirt and tights are always a lovely look on you. Thanks for sharing. Hope you winter season isn't too blustery thus far. We've a little over 38 cm here in the northern lower state of Michigan, USA. Had some sun early but it's cloudy again, and we've more snow on the way. Thanks again. Take care and be safe.
ReplyDeleteVan Halen... Solówka z "Ain't talking about love" chodzi za mną od dobrych 20 lat :-) Jest rewelacyjna! Brian Ferry i Rod Steward to też zacne wybory :-)
ReplyDeleteKreacja bardzo ładna za sprawą koloru bluzki - jest taki spokojny i z klasą. Nie przepadam jednak za tak głębokimi dekoltami. Świetne rajstopy!
Bardzo ładnie wyglądasz :)
ReplyDeleteWidzę, że tym razem dominują znane piosenki w różnych gatunkach. Rod Stewart bawi od lat, Bryan Ferry i Barry White też mają ustaloną renomę. Thundercata miałem okazję usłyszeć w tym roku na żywo - bardzo figlarna piosenka.
ReplyDeletehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDgbBjeMy90 - w 2000 r. ta piosenka w wersji house była dużym przebojem w Wielkiej Brytanii
Piękna :)
ReplyDeleteBardzo lubię The Dumplings, genialna sesja :)
ReplyDeleteI am surprised by his beauty and good taste to dress I am his admirer, also for appreciating the music of different times, mainly the romantic genre ... Congratulations on the production of your page and wish you all the success of the world
ReplyDeleteTen post jest idealną ilustracją wyższości rajstop nad pończochami :-)
ReplyDeleteRacja kolego, święta racja :-) Rajstopy sięgają w rejony niedostępne dla pończoch...
Bardzo ładnie wyglądasz w tej beżowej bluzce z dekoltem i czarnej spódniczce. Tym razem zamiast pończoch założyłaś rajstopy, jednak i tak twoje nogi prezentują się w nich pięknie i sexy. Jeśli zaś chodzi o utwory z twojej listy mnie najbardziej się podobały:
ReplyDelete- Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love, Van Halen;
- Slave To Love, Bryan Ferry;
- Town Of Strangers, BOKKA;
- Oh Sheit It's X, Thundercat;
- Love To Love You Baby, Donna Summer;
- Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?, Rod Steward;
- Never Gonna Give You Up, Barry White;
- Time of my Life, Patrick Swayze :-)
Kiedy widzę tą piosenkę Van Halen, zawsze przypomina mi się jej bardziej elektroniczna wersja, która powstała w latach 90 od Apollo 440. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Euz1CmRjgA Dobrze, że dzielisz się polską muzyką Bokki i The Dumplings, zważając, że na twój blog wchodzą także ludzie z zagranicy. Cieszę się, że Kot Ci się spodobał :) Naprawdę miło czuć własną rękę w tych postach.
ReplyDeleteNo i oczywiście Love To Love You Baby, najlepsza piosenka o seksie jaka kiedykolwiek powstała. Tak samo jak I Feel Love w wersji extended (które też tu można w sumie zaliczyć) zawsze uważam za najlepszą taneczną piosenkę wszechczasów
PS I know shit o stronie wizualnej, ale strasznie spodobały mi się zdjęcia z wyróżnionym zegarkiem :)
tak myślę że jesteś Bardzo Sexy po prostu mega mega pociągająca fizycznie !
ReplyDeleteOglądając Twoje zdjęcia,to jedyny utwór który Mi się nasuwa to You shoock Me ,Led Zeppelin:-)
ReplyDeletePiekne zdjecia! :)
ReplyDeleteI love it when you look like this, Lady. You are classically elegant, but relaxed. You are at home, but you look like a Lady. Always. It commands respect and reverence, for you, Lady...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it's some kind of day off... Today you're walking barefoot, and your stilettos and high boots are waiting for your next styling...