
"The Art of Femininity" by Ariadna - order my first book!

Nadszedł dzień, w którym nareszcie mogę podzielić się z Tobą słodkimi owocami mojej pracy. Pracy, w którą włożyłam nie tylko mnóstwo czasu, ale przede wszystkim serca i pasji. Zabieram Cię w ekscytującą podróż do mojego świata. Odkryję przed Tobą obszerną kolekcję zmysłowych ujęć, stworzonych w sekrecie na przestrzeni ostatniego roku. Poczęstuję Cię soczystymi czereśniami, zdradzę jak powstają moje sesje, opowiem o słabości do pończoch i wyznam, co pochłania mnie do szaleństwa.

English version:
The day has finally come that I can share with you the sweet fruits of my labor and the telltale secrets of my camera lens. It’s been a labor of love, a project into which I have given my all - my time, my dedication, my passion and, above all else, my heart and soul. This is a rare journey. It’s a voyage of discovery into my secret world. You will see a glorious collection of my most sensual photographs, all created within the past 12 months. I will tease you with juicy, mouth-watering cherries. You will discover the secrets behind my photoshoots. My big weakness for hosiery will be there for all to see. And I will confess to you exactly what drives me crazy. So come and join me on my voyage of discovery…

'The Art of Femininity' by Ariadna contains 131 high-quality & high-resolution sensual images + a set of personal texts
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[PL] "The Art of Femininity" zawiera 131 wysokiej jakości zmysłowych zdjęć oraz komplet osobistych tekstów.

Choose the best option for you:
⋆ ⋆ Premium €29 / 125 zł ⋆ ⋆
♥ 1 PREMIUM paperback, format A5, glossy paper
(131 sensual images + essays)
♥ 2 PDF files: English and Polish version



⋆ ⋆ VIP €69 / 299 zł ⋆ ⋆ 
♥ 1 VIP signed paperback, format A5, glossy paper
(131 sensual images + essays)
♥ 2 PDF files: English and Polish version
♥ Access to private contact with me (e-mail)
Extra surprise...



Shipping options / Opcje wysyłki
• Standard shipping via priority letter / List polecony priorytetowy
• Free pickup in Poznan, Poland / Darmowy odbiór w Poznaniu
(you can also check this option if you don't want to receive the printed book via post)

Payment methods / Metody płatności
• PayPal
• If you can't use PayPal, please contact me via storearimaj@gmail.com to set up a bank transfer / Jeśli preferujesz zapłatę przelewem, skontaktuj się ze mną storearimaj@gmail.com

  • Is the book paper or digital?
You buy a paperback copy that will reach you as land mail. As a free bonus, I will also send you via email a digital version, which you will receive immediately after placing your order.

  • My girlfriend is jealous... I can't receive a paper version to my home address.
Please select ‘Free pickup in Poznań’ as a shipping method.

  • What kind of pictures will I find in the book?
I will reveal my wild side... The book contains 131 sensual pictures - much more sexy and provocative than can be found on Instagram or my blog. Most of them feature lingerie, pantyhose or stockings. I like to tempt... Trust me - you won't be disappointed!

  • What are the accompanying texts about?
You will discover a little piece of my soul. You will find out how I create my photographs, find out why I like nylons, and get a glimpse into my private life. I will surprise you!

  • What are the payment methods?
You can pay via PayPal. If you have problems with PayPal, please contact me via storearimaj@gmail.com to set up a bank transfer.

Brak podobnych postów


  1. Teasing me with juicy, mouth-watering cherries? Wow...you're already teasing and exciting my cherries jubilee! Congratulations on your hard work and devotion to your passions. I'm eager to see your photobook. Thank you, Ariadna, you are enchanting.

  2. Pre-ordered... eager to receive it ;-)

  3. Świetnie, że udało Ci się zrealizować pomysł fotoksiążki z Twoimi zmysłowymi zdjęciami. Myślę, że Twój nowy produkt okaże się równie udany jak kalendarz na bieżący rok :-)

  4. Pokażesz sesje w zmysłowym latexsie ?? myślisz o wypróbowaniu pełnego kombinezonu wraz z maską ??

  5. Fotoksiążka jest świetną opcją.

  6. Ciekawa oferta. Mam ochotę się skusić.

  7. Gratuluje że udało się po roku pracy ukończyć fotoksiążke i życzę żeby sprzedaż okazała się wielkim sukcesem i wypada podziękować Tobie że w tej fotoksiążce dzielisz częścią siebie i można Ciebie lepiej poznać i trzeba docenić Twoją pracę kiedy musisz wszystko zrobić i dopiąć każdy szczegół żeby zobaczy tak piękny efekt końcowy pozdrawiam Andrzej

  8. Posiadasz kombinezon z latexu i maske ? A moze masz w planach kupic ?

  9. Before anything, Ariadna, I would like to Congratulate you for the completion of your year-long work and successfully bringing your e-Photobook, “The Art of Femininity” to the market‼ I would also like to thank you for giving me (as well as other fans around the globe) a chance to look into your world and to understand / share the thoughts on various topics you have.

    I got my copy of “The Art of Femininity” over the weekend and have been enjoying it since then. This is a great art work – with lots of high quality art works put together with story behind each set; one may have seen some of the photos on social media, such as Instagram, before but when these are put together with non-published photos in a structured way they deliver far more interesting and different messages. It must also be mentioned that you put highly sophisticated well considered texts together with these photos. The book gives very interesting insights to the fabulous artistic world of Ariadna.

    The book also tells your journey in your life in photography and fashion. In fact it would be far more fascinating to read some of your early days Blog articles here together with the book or some of the articles published in various social media in the last ten years or so.

    This is a story of a young beautiful woman's life to her fame‼ Ariadna, great BOOK‼

  10. Well, Ariadna, what can I say? You've really excelled yourself this time and I'm not sure how you do it. I don't think the word 'impossible' can even be found in your dictionary, such is your determination, resolve and sheer willingness to give your all to any project that you turn your hand to. As if creating, populating, updating and upgrading your fabulous blog was not enough, you produced a fabulous calendar. Now you've taken it a step further and single-handedly produced a book. In fact, you've actually produced two books - ond digital version, one print copy. And I've got to tell you, it's tremendous, Ariadna. It's professional, it's polished, it's charming and it's really stylish. The content is spot on and its aesthetic appeal can't be faulted. You see it, you want it. Best of all it's crammed full of your time, your love, your passion and your devotion. And this book should fly off the shelves. Now, I know initially you simply wanted to produce an ebook, but creating a print version is a masterstroke, but not necessarily for the reason of giving people who may otherwise find themselves in a slightly compromising position a way to still get their hands on your work away from prying eyes via a digital version. No. I think the real reason the print version is a stroke of genius is that it gives you something tangible and real to hold forever. You can pick up the book today, tomorrow, next week, next year, in 10 years time and say 'I did that!'. And you know what, Ariadna? You did do that, and you did it exceptionally well :o)

  11. Bardzo ciekawa, zmysłowa propozycja, pewnie rozważę te propozycje!
    Pozdrawiam z całego serca, zapraszam na moją stronę!

  12. Gratuluję 👏
    Przy okazji zapytam ;nie myślałas może o stworzeniu własnej kolekcji bielizny? ☺

  13. Pięknie. Gdzie można zakupic ten biustonosz?

  14. Fajnie wyglądasz. Gdzie można kupić ten biustonosz z okładki?

  15. will there also be a PDF only version available?

    1. Please select ‘Free pickup in Poznań’ as a shipping method - you will receive digital version via email

  16. A very sexy and well thought out book. You are a very pretty young lady with a very intelligent and insightful mind. Thank you for all the hard work in putting this together. I enjoyed the PDF version and am looking forward to receiving the hard copy, too.

  17. Wspaniała wiadomość! To uczucie, kiedy wydaje się pierwszą książkę, jest jedyne w swoim rodzaju, każdy powinien spróbować. Obyś przyczyniła się do ratowania upadającej sztuki czytelnictwa :), a seksownych zdjęć nigdy dość.


    It has been some two weeks since the book “The Art of Femininity”, with full of sensual and yet very artistic photos (total 131 photos) and refined texts by Ariadna, was born‼

    I have been reading this book since I got my copy from cover to cover for more than several times already, and it has been such a fun and fantastic experiences. I must say that more you read more insights you would get about the author.

    As Ariadna wrote by herself in this Blog, this has been her “voyage of discovery into her secret world” and “to discover the secrets behind her photoshoots”. You can find how Ariadna achieved these.

    Ariadna, you have a style, clear vision and philosophy on fashion, photography and the life and these are the core-values of your book. All the photos in the book are produced by yourself and have their own distinctive personalities. It is simply amazing and they are so sensual and beautiful😍

    This also explains why your photos are so outstanding among the thousands of photos in Instagram pages – it is easy to pin-point your photos; they are so stylish and different‼

    The book is worth investing and any Ariadna fan should have a copy‼

  19. This pile is already history and does not exist anymore, so we shall have to do with the digital edition of Majewskas first book »The Art of Femininity«, which is a good book anyway. It is stuffed with a wealth of agreeable photos of the authoress and by the authoress, as well as interesting texts with glimpses and insights into at least one of the persons that may live in the mind and body of Ariadna Majewska (one human body and mind have room for more than one person, but some people have only one anyway), what she deems fit for the public. This makes for watching the pictures in the company of an intelligent and interesting woman. And these pictures must be seen and not just told about.


I would love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to share your opinions in the comments below. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I personally read every comment. Thank you!
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Proszę, podziel się ze mną swoją opinią - dzięki temu będę mogła udoskonalić to co robię :)