
Ariestre - exclusive collection of sensual hosiery

Marzyłam o tym od dawna... Nareszcie oddaję w Wasze ręce wyjątkową kolekcję rajstop oraz pończoch, które bez wątpienia skradną Wasze serca. Nie uwierzycie, ale nazwę "Ariestre" wymyśliłam już trzy lata temu! To wtedy po raz pierwszy narodził się w mojej głowie pomysł na stworzenie własnej marki. Już wtedy nylony były nieodłącznym elementem moich stylizacji, a mnóstwo osób prosiło mnie o rekomendacje modeli, które szczególnie cenię. Przetestowałam setki produktów wielu marek z całego świata, coraz bardziej wzbogacając swoje doświadczenie. Chociaż szybko stworzyłam wstępny plan i rozpoczęłam przygotowania, niestety cała idea mnie przerosła i po prostu się poddałam... głęboko wierząc, że kiedyś do niej powrócę. Jak widać, udało się, choć uwierzcie - nie było łatwo! Po wielu miesiącach złożonej pracy zapraszam Was do zapoznania się z ofertą, o którą wzbogaciłam mój sklep. Wierzę, że znajdziecie tam coś dla siebie lub swoich ukochanych! Jeśli macie jakiekolwiek pytania, śmiało piszcie do mnie na storearimaj@gmail.com :) Chętnie doradzę w wyborze odpowiedniego modelu.

English version:
I've dreamed about this for a long time... And now, finally, I have created a unique collection of tights and stockings that will undoubtedly turn your head and melt your heart in equal measure. You probably won’t believe it but I actually came up with the name ‘Ariestre’ three years ago! That was when the idea to create my own hosiery brand first flashed across my mind. Even back then nylons were an essential part of my outfits and a lot of people asked me to recommend brands of tights that I particularly valued. I have tested hundreds of products from many brands from around the world, increasingly enriching my experience. Although I quickly created an initial business plan, unfortunately circumstances prevented me from putting those plans into action and I was initially forced to consign my dreams to the back burner.... believing strongly that some day I would revive them. Well, as you can see, in the end I did! But you’d better believe it, it hasn’t been easy! So now, after many months of complex and time-consuming work, you can see for yourselves exactly how I have enriched my store, in which I believe that you will find something special for you or that significant someone in your life! In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to write to me at storearimaj@gmail.com :) I will be more than happy to advise you on choosing the right hosiery for you.

-> www.ariestre.com <-
Instagram: ariestre_exclusive


  1. Ariadna, Big Congratulations for launching your new Brand exclusive hosiery and finally realising your dreams😍 The products are really elegant and stylish ‼️ And I can feel your great ideas, passion and power‼️

    Wish you a lot of SUCCESS ❤️

  2. Wow! Świetnie, że udało Ci się zrealizować marzenia o własnej marce wyrobów pończoszniczych i życzę Ci żeby twój nowy biznes rozkręcił się na dobre. Po za tym bardzo pięknie, kobieco i seksownie wyglądasz w tej stylizacji :-)

  3. Kochana gratuluję 😘👏
    Zaraz sobie przejrze asortyment Twojego sklepu i prawdopodobnie się na coś skuszę😀

  4. An extraordinary unique lady fulfills her dream. what can I say ? Honor, recognition, and best wishes. You have achieved your goal and I have never doubted that a passionate lady, like you, can do this. Congratulations are not enough and I think this post shows you presenting your products in a uniquely sensual seductive way. This is really big cinema, from a really graceful lady. All the best my diamond, to know you is a very special honor, sweet Ariadna ... the biggest adventure u can take, is to live the life of your dreams

  5. Brakuje pończoch z koronką :) :*

  6. Oh Ari what I could say? this post it's special, and more for the fact you have worked long hours on this. All of these photos are beautiful, and describing each one of them will take a long time!, but what I can say about all of them it's that your beauty have no comparision, and your talent it's unmeasurable. You put all your heart and all your passion in every thing you do, and we all can see it.
    Congratulations in reaching one of your dreams, and three years?! That's a lot of time!, Your patience it's incredible, but you deserve all the recognition for your hard work.
    Love you!.

  7. This is great! Love your persistence and love the logotype, especially the "i" and the ending "e" with the tail. This must be the work of a devil ;)
    But it's too cartoonish, complicated and confusing at the second glance, doesn't really match the sense of luxury for me. There is no "you" in this logotype.

  8. Well--congratulations in launching your dream into the real world! With your taste in hosiery already established as exquisite, I hope they prove to be quite a competition for the market!

    Pretty provocative slogan, too... ;)

    Just curious...what could be the chances of someday adding silk options? I mean, I know that nylon is mainstream, but maybe, after establishing your brand, eventually offer a higher-premium silk offering or two...?

  9. Wyglądasz pięknie, kusząco i naprawdę zniewalająco. Te szpilki są obłędnie piekne i wspaniale zwieńczają całą stylizację. Znakomicie się w nich prezentujesz.

  10. I got what I was looking for......... https://ariestre.shoplo.com/collection/frontpage/emma-strip-pantyhose-black.

  11. Lady, you look amazing in this styling. Perfect for an evening meeting over coffee, tea, cake... I would like to invite you to a cafe, see you like this, when you proud, beautiful, one and only, enter the place, in a long leather coat or a long fur coat, in black leather gloves... Help you take off the fur coat, help you sit at the table, watch as you look into my eyes, take off a leather glove... You are divine...


I would love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to share your opinions in the comments below. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I personally read every comment. Thank you!
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