
Chic and Ethical: How to Wear Faux Fur Coats in Feminine Style

Faux fur coats are a great way to add a touch of glamour and luxury to any outfit, and they also happen to be a more ethical choice than real fur. Good quality faux fur can look just like real fur, and is a great alternative for those who love the look and feel of fur, but don't want to support the fur industry. I have a few faux furs in my collection that are really beautiful, and I'm excited to share some tips on how to wear them in a feminine and elegant style.

Tip 1: Choose a Quality Faux Fur Coat

When selecting a faux fur coat, it's important to choose a high-quality one that looks and feels like real fur. A well-made faux fur coat will have a soft, fluffy texture, and will be made from high-quality materials. Look for coats that are lined with silk or satin for added luxury.

Tip 2: Pair with a Mini or Midi Pencil Dress

One of the best ways to wear a faux fur coat in a feminine style is to pair it with a mini or midi pencil dress. This creates a sleek and sophisticated look that perfectly complements the plushness of the faux fur. Pantyhose and heels, such as classic pumps or long over-the-knee boots, will complete the look and add a touch of elegance.

Tip 3: Try a Pencil Skirt and Elegant Shirt

Another way to wear a faux fur coat in a feminine style is to pair it with a pencil midi skirt and an elegant shirt. This creates a chic and professional look that is perfect for the office or a more formal event. Pair the outfit with heels or ankle boots to complete the look.

Tip 4: Stick to Subdued Colors

When wearing a faux fur coat in a classy style, it's best to stick to subdued colors like black or brown. These colors create a timeless and elegant look that is perfect for any occasion. You can also experiment with different textures, such as leather or suede, to create a more dynamic look.

Tip 5: Accessorize with Delicate Jewelry

To complete your feminine look, accessorize with delicate jewelry. Opt for dainty necklaces, earrings, and bracelets that complement your outfit without overpowering it. Pearls and crystals are great choices for adding a touch of romance and elegance to your look.

In conclusion, wearing a faux fur coat in a feminine style is all about creating a chic and sophisticated look that accentuates your feminine features... so why not try it out for yourself and add a touch of luxury to your wardrobe! :)


  1. Dear Ari!
    It's so nice reading again another post on this beautiful blog.
    Incredible post about faux fur coats! You have some of the most nice I have seen. And you know perfectly how to combine them. Dresses or skirts and accessories! Plus the photographies are so nice, each one captures the best of the details on each outfit!. Incredible work, in fashion and in photography!.

  2. I read the article in one breath! In my country, winter lasts almost 5 months, so the topic of winter clothes is very relevant :) You got very charming images, Ari! In my country, as a rule, people prefer to wear natural fur. This year, even a book was published dedicated to the culture of fur in my country. Her authors is Doctor of Cultural Studies, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of History and Historical and Cultural Heritage :)

  3. Futrzane płaszcze są fajnym i mocno zauważalnym akcentem w stylizacji u eleganckich kobiet. Od razu mam nieodparte skojarzenia z przedwojennymi stylizacjami wyższych sfer, natomiast, jak widać na powyższych fotografiach, w umiejętny sposób można je łączyć ze współczesnymi dodatkami. Poza tym cieszy fakt, że technologia pozwala wytwarzać syntetyczne futra, które praktycznie nie odbiegają od naturalnych.

    1. Syntetyczne futro jest zagrożeniem dla środowiska naturalnego, gdyż to wyrób ropopochodny, czyli tworzywo sztuczne.
      Syntetyczne futro nie grzeje , nie stanowi dobrego okrycia ciała delikatnej kobiety zimą ani jesienią.
      Syntetyczne futro nie wygląda w żadnym przypadku tak ekskluzywnie, elegancko i kobieco jak naturalne.
      Syntetyczne futro to tylko zamiennik prawdziwego, drogiego futra.

  4. Hello Ariadna ,
    Thank you for the invite to your Blog on Faux Furs. That is excellent information and great ideas for the ladies that want to also enjoy the classy and elegant look as you have shown in your photos. Beautiful as always. It is also good information and ideas for us photographers that enjoy your photos and follow what you do.
    Always beautiful, classy and elegant. I look forward to more photos and articles.
    Stay Beautiful.
    Cheers !!
    Randy G.

  5. Dear Ari, I am always very pleased to read your posts, you are always very beautiful. I love each of these outfits and they look amazing on you

  6. Hi, ya, Ariadna, it's really wonderful to see your new post on "faux fur" (fashion) where you are strong at and where you have been establishing yourself. Perfectly written to guide anyone who wish to know/wear "faux fur".

    The photos in this post is really gorgeous - I love them all!! For some reason I love your green bag/boots combination - really great. That said all other combinations you present here are absolutely gorgeous!!!

    Thank you for sharing interesting expertise and wisdom!!!

  7. These are amazing pictures Ariadna, you look incredibly beautiful in all of them. A faux fur coat is an essential part of any classy woman's wardrobe, and the outfits you have very here all look very elegant and stylish. I especially love the leather dress, you look absolutely stunning in those pictures.

  8. nie ukrywam że właściwie lubię ubierać damskie ubrania. są mega wygodne.

  9. I love all your blogs, I love that you don't use real animal fur, using real animal fur seems very cruel and ruthless to me, there is no reason to use real fur when there is synthetic fur and as you said yourself, high quality synthetic fur is It looks a lot like real fur and is very pleasant to the touch.


    In all the photos you are very beautiful, you know perfectly how to combine the outfits, you know how a woman should dress to look elegant and beautiful, youu are wonderful my kitty, definitely a wonderful block like you, I love you very much.


  10. A kind of fashion that kept in mind and heart. Only Ariadna can do it by simply showing it gloriously. Although the cold season is about to end in the tropics, it still impressively good to showcase to much warmer, to be exact, summer season.

    Thanks Ari, your influence here grows well. 😘
    -Adrian, PH

  11. Ari. Bardzo tęsknię za nowymi postami na Twoim blogu. Nawet nie wiesz jak się ucieszyłem z tej publikacji:).
    Prosiłbym o częstsze aktualizowanie bloga:)
    Na każdym że zdjęć wyglądasz przepięknie i Mega kobieco:)

  12. Hello Ariadna i am happy to write on your blog,i wanted compliment you on your professionalism that you demostrate in bringing to the public as a model,as a photographer,writer and advisor.You are truly exceptional with an innate beauty,superfine elegance and divine sensuality.My name is Mauro,i am Italian from Bergamo but aboveall a great admirer of your,thank you Arj for the work yuo do please keep it up forever Mauro

  13. Lady Ariadne. I think you know that faux fur is neither ecological nor ethical. Faux fur is only a substitute for fur, it is a better or worse substitute. Artificial fur is an environmentally harmful artificial product, which after a period of use accumulates and does not decompose. You know that true elegance and beauty are only natural fur. Just as only leather boots and heels are right for you, they must be made of natural leather. Even if fur means using dozens or hundreds of animals, isn't it worth sacrificing them for you? The answer is obvious... For you... it's always worth it. There is no doubt. Because you are a real, beautiful lady and you are important, not animals that live to serve you and give you skin and fur. It is an honor and the greatest reward for every animal when you use their skin or fur.

  14. I check now and then your blog to see again old entries, didn't expect to see a new one, as for many years it was your hobby and passion I'm glad you are posting again.
    Love the entry, coats add elegance to an outfit. Usually I prefer cloth, but you look very stylish in faux fur.

  15. Pięknie wyglądasz:)
    Od lat odwiedzam Twojego bloga.
    Proszę, dodawaj posty tak często jak kiedyś:)

  16. Andriana, dziękuję za tak miły artykuł. Naprawdę doceniam, że rozumiesz znaczenie życia zwierząt i wybierasz tylko sztuczne futro zamiast naturalnego. Życie jest najwyższą wartością!

    1. Życie, zdrowie i elegancja Pani Ariadny, tak, jest najważniejsze i najcenniejsze, ale nie futrzaków, które żyją po to aby oddać swoje futro na płaszcz dla Pani Ariadny.

  17. Interesting and informative, I have never thought about this! I am, however, very pleased with you using this opportunity to display your beauty in the kind of attire you discuss here. The included keywords glamour, luxury, chic and sophisticated have found their right place in this context.

  18. Super beautiful and elegant real Lady Ariadna. Please go to a furrier for real fur. Wonderful, beautiful, natural furs are waiting for you, Lady.

  19. Thank you for all your advice, you wear fur with incredible elegance. We feel all your femininity with your superb outfits that you enhance with all your grace and elegance. How can we not not melt in front of so much charm that you give off. Lots of kisses from your biggest fan😍🥰😘💋❤️


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